2009年7月24日 星期五

The Art of Happiness at Work

不是一本宣傳宗教的書, 內容很簡單, 要工作開心, 就要把工作看待成calling. 說得容易做時難.

很多篇幅引用心理學家Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi 說的"flow", 即精神很集中而到忘我境界. Flow在Daniel Goleman 的EQ中已有很詳細的解釋, 此書中, Dala Lama就比較簡單及有拾人牙慧之感.

說到底, 我不大喜歡Dala Lama, 上次四川地震, Sharon Stone說因是四川的報應之故, 原來, Dala Lama 是她的好朋友. 這一個喇嘛, 為何認識此種不正不經的女人? 連帶我對他的觀感也差.

可能是此書的作者問題, 書中的Dala Lama, 沒有甚麼令人感悟的發表. 比起奧修的書, 此書是很普通及簡單了.

I believe that genuine power results from the respect that people give you. Real power has to do with one’s ability to influence the hearts and minds of others. Power based on one’s wealth is artificial, only on the surface, and is not lasting. They are respecting your money, not you, so if you lose your money, the power and respect vanishes. It’s like the power based on someone holding a gun – as soon as they put down the gun, there is no respect or power given the person.

If we are talking about various motives for making a lot of money is this underlying belief that the richer they are, the more freedom they’re going to have. They have freedom to travel where they want, they have freedom to do what they want.

What is my basic outlook on life? If the basic outlook on life is directed outwardly, externally oriented, and your basic assumption is Yes, happiness comes from outside, by external means, through the creation of wealth, then you end up perpetuating this cycle.

I’ve noticed that sometimes the Dalai Lama is asked to boil his philosophy down to a single fundamental principle. To this difficult question, he often replies, “If you can, serve others. If not, at least refrain from harming them.”

