2011年11月30日 星期三

這個不科學的年代 (電子書)

是Richard Feynman演講稿的結集, 不很有名的書, 可能是因為譯的不好, 很冗長的句子, 多餘的修飾詞.

以下一段說政治就很對. 在競選中, 候選人都只是在編故事.


在大眾的心態中, 他們必須能說出答案, 而能說出答案的人就一定比不說出答案的人好, 但事實的真相是, 在大部分情況中, 正好相反. 結果當然是, 政治承諾永遠無法兌現. 這是個機械式的事實; 一切就是那麼的不可能. 而接下來的結果就是, 沒有人相信競選時所作的承諾, 以致大家普遍蔑視, 看輕政治, 以及對那些嘗試解決問題的人不怎尊敬, 以此類推大眾喜歡的心態是想找個答案, 而不是想試著找到有辦法找到答案的人.

2011年11月24日 星期四

Life is What You Make it

Warren Buffett 的兒子的書.
有一個非凡的父親, 身為兒子完全明白父親運用財富的心意. 他也安份的做一個作曲家.
不過, 他作歌的天份比著書好. 書內很多內容是他如何作歌的經過, 似沒有受過很多挫折. 不過, 有些地方說父母親如何教養他, 也看得出他是優秀父母.

Core value: Trust, education and book learning
No one asks to be born. No one gets to choose his parents or to have a say in the circumstances of her birth.
Of all the ways in which affluent parents make things too easy for their sons and daughters, perhaps the most widespread is inviting them into the family business, or steering them into a profession in which a forebear his already succeeded.
For my own parents, the priority was clear. Their hope for my siblings and me was that each of us would find a passion and pursue it with all our diligence and energy - that we should claim our own lives, put our own stamp on everything we did.
If your calling is to be a chef, being average in the kitchen clearly isn't good enough. No committed teacher wants to be average in the classroom. No author wants to be average on the page.
The mistakes we have made, and the course corrections that resulted from those blunders, are an essential part of our evolution.
Life may not be fair, but it often turns out to be surprisingly symmetrical. A wish – can sometimes prove to be a curse, the thwarting of a wish can sometimes end up being a hidden blessing.
Money should be seen as a spin-off of success, a side effect, and not the measure of success itself.
"You know, Pete, you and I really do the same thing. Music is your canvas. Berkshire's my canvas and I get to paint a little every day.' That was all he said - and it was plenty.
巴菲特這番說話, 影響到兒子對音樂事業的追求.
My father worked extremely hard because he loved what he did, because it challenged and excited him. Money cam eventually, but the passion and the curiosity were there from the start. Money followed; it never led.
說巴菲特把投資是當作工作, 找尋當中的滿足感, 賺到金錢反而是次要. 所以, 一直都很節儉.
I was really proud of him. It was the only thing I could think of to say.
當巴菲特說要把錢作慈善用途, 作者有這個表述.

2011年11月20日 星期日


很平實的寫他未成名前的半生, 沒有很煽情的說他家境如何窮困, 父母不和, 戰後自己如何捱苦.

2011年11月12日 星期六

2011年11月8日 星期二


隨意一翻, 說「後悔」, 事情已發生了, 後悔也沒有用. 但, 作者說要「悔改」, 即是不要再犯同一個錯, 要悔後要改正.

好似對, 但也不很對. 有些錯發生了, 彌補不到, 一命嗚呼, 如何改?

但, 也借回家, 誰知是一本最普通不過的書.

說很多名人的成功故事, 但名人自然有過人的智力, 毅力, 或運氣. 所以就成功. 但普通人, 就不易學習了.

2011年11月6日 星期日

Seven Sins for a Life Worth Living

寫得最好, 原來是書名.

在我看的一堆哲理書中, 它是平庸之作. 說人生哲理, 我覺得很多宗教哲學著述都比它更有啟發性.

但, 作者選的一些名人雋語也有些不錯.

At twenty, we worry about what others think of us; at forty, we don't care about what they think of us; at sixty, we discover that they haven't been thinking about us at all. - Bob Hope 人說, 老了會變得越來越孤獨, 可能是因為, 年青人有年青人的世界, 老人也較愛靜.

Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature... Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. - Helen Keller 大自然適者生存是定律, 人卻怕變又要安定.

We must be let go of the life we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us. - Joseph Campbell 說易行難呢.

2011年11月3日 星期四


從沒有看過李敖一本書. 他是個博學的人, 不過, 性格很憤怒, 這書是60年代, 當年他才廿多歲, 針對瓊瑤的「窗外」愛情小說的作品.