書給看得殘舊, 應是一本好書吧. 所以, 我顧不得佢破爛及髒
有些很基本, 有些我覺得不錯, 最少是溫故知新吧.
You live at 99 Park Street.
You live in High
Street. (Br English, the street as being lined by buildings)
You live on 6th
Street. (Am English, the street as a surface and one is on top of the surface.)
Between is used if
there is a definite set of objects or people.
Belgium lies between
The Netherlands, Germany, Luxenburg and France.
He did a lot of
good for the homeless children...
He exercises regularly
for the good of his health.
We now have everything
in readiness for the performance.
He shows a great
readiness to learn.
Our company comprises
several divisions. (the items or people make up the total, East Malaysia =
Sabah + Sarawak) 包含只幾個部門
Our company consists
of several divisions.
She casts doubts on
his ability to pay his debts.
The manager emphasised
the need for more sales.
The manager laid
emphasis on the good results the company had obtained this year.
The minister laid stress
on the need for greater care on the roads.
He was emphatic about
the need for new imitative.
This year's model has
no resemblance to the previous one.
The two sisters have a
strong resemblance in looks but not in character.
我讀小學時,記憶最深嘅係查字典,look up the word in the dictionary 而 look for 同 look after 又有不同意思,所以覺得前置詞真係好好用!
回覆刪除英文的前置詞的確很有趣, egged on, 不是向人擲旦, 是慫恿.