2009年8月1日 星期六
Winning: The Answers
現代管理人, 我較欣賞以前GE (General Electric, 不是General Motor)的Chairman, Jack Welch. 他上任之後, 把市值14b的GE, 增加至410b, 不愧被Fortune 評為Manager of the Century. 利害利害.
有關他的書, 我看過 Straight from the Gut, Jack Welch and the 4E's of Leadership, Winning, Jack Welch Speaks. 原來這一本是第5本了.
書是以Q&A形式, 很多真實的例子, 看起來也不說教.
書中, 他大力推荐中國這個市場, 普通話是商家必應學習的語言.
以下, 是部分內容, 較適合初畢業的學生或新牌經理.
What’s better: to work for a bad boss at a good company, or a good boss at a weak company?
If you truly are at a good company, its leaders will eventually find the bad boss and get him or her out. That can take time – months, or even a year or more. Any experience you get at a good company, around smart people, is worthwhile, and a good company’s reputation gives you an excellent career credential down the road, if you need it. But, the good boss-weak company dynamic is a velvet coffin. All bosses eventually depart – moved up, out, or sideways. And someday, your good boss will leave you too. Your boss will leave, but the weak company will still be there. Working for a good boss in the short term, can be thoroughly enjoyable, even when the company is collapsing around you. In the short term, working for a bad boss, even in a good company, can be a living hell. But in the long term, when the boss is gone, at least you’ll have opportunity to move on.
I have been appointed to a leadership positive or the first time, I need to know how to conduct myself and handle the role itself.
Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. It’s about your achievement. Your performance. Your individual contributions. It’s about you raising your hand and you getting called on and you delivering the right answer. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others. It’s about making the people who work for your smarter, bigger, and bolder. Nothing you do anymore as an individual matters except how you nurture and support your team and help its members increase their self-confidence. Your success as a leader will come not from what you do every day, but from the reflected glory of your team’s performance.
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