2014年6月18日 星期三

英語很難? 生活篇

古德明對改善港人英文很有心, 著作多, 也能適合香港人的需要.
這書後一半說天災與環保, 如果只看商業英語的, 就靠前一半了. 我覺我解說idioms不難, 文法就難, 因為中文的時態時序不似英文的複雜, 此書也有部份文法介紹, 很有用.  
我們常用的environmental protection, 古德明說是environmentally protection.  
Everyone stretches his legs according to the length of his coverlet. 量入為出
Each man makes his own shipwreck. 咎由自取
More than one has seen the strange creature.
A host of problems have to be solved.
The government is going to introduce a whole raft of energy-saving measures. 多項
One plastic bag reused is one less thrown away.
It is said that Mrs Thatcher wears the trousers in the family. 當家作主
Any Tom, Dick or Harry should be able to do it. 張三李四
Make mincedmeat of my arguments against free trade. 駁斥得體無原膚
I got other fish to fry.  (have some other important things to do)
Who would have thought he would turn tail at the very first minute. 誰會到他會臨陣退縮 

2 則留言:

  1. 在我們日常生活以書信溝通,如果用太多典故,對方未必能夠理解!
