2012年7月25日 星期三

How to Conduct Meetings

一本老書, 說的開會須知, 是近乎立法會規模的嚴肅會議, 例如如何終止胡亂發言的與會人士.
書中說會議中不可以發言超過5分鐘, 在商業社會大概不可能吧.

此書印刷於60年代, 書後有其他書籍的簡介, 有一本是教人如何養雞, 我覺得有趣.

A motion or amendment may be withdrawn by the mover, with the concurrence of the seconder and the consent of the members present, if voting has not taken place upon it.

Every amendment must be tendered in writing. Unlike a motion, the mover of an amendment has no right of a final reply.

Until an amendment has been disposed of, no other amendment can be considered.

A member cannot move or second more than one amendment to the same motion.

When any speaker has finished, a member may move "that the question be now put" or "that the Council do proceed to the next business."

