2009年6月7日 星期日

Jack Welch: Winning, And the 4Es of Leadership

大家應對他不會陌生, GE的前Chairman, 很有魄力, 很能幹的管理人, 是GE最年青的GM, 也曾被Fortune 500譽為Manager of the Century.

看了三兩本關於Jack Welch的書, Straight From the Gut說他的生平, 生動有趣, 文字淺白.

這是他自己作的, 實在太多人已訪問過他, 不少他的管理哲學已在其他地方看過, 所以這一本覺得還可以. 最印象深是, 他必要GE成為行業的第一或第二, 而他又真的能做到了.

I didn't invent differentiation! I learned it on the playground when I was a kid. When we were making a baseball team, the best players always got picked first, the fair players were put in the easy positions, usually second base or right field, and the least athletic ones had to watch from the sidelines. The top kids wanted desperately to stay there, and got the reward of respect and the thrill of winning. "Did you think getting grades was mean?"

我覺得這一本最好, 很有條理. 一樣的生動易明. Jack最出名不只是收購及合併, 裁員也不少. 他明言, 在GE沒有job satisfaction, 只有customer satifaction.

Welch claimed, famously, he didn't fire more than 100000 employees, he only "Fired the positions". But the effect was surely the same. "there is no job security at GE - other than what the customer can provide... that's the reality of the marketplace."

美式管理是很重工作表現, GE收購了新公司, 不一定裁掉新公司的經理層, 反而裁掉GE自己的, 因為工作能力不及新人之故. 很夠嗆.

GE以營業額來說, 在Fortune 500是全球第11位, 第一位是啥? 原來是WalMart! 它的收入是兩個小國加在一起的總收入.

實在太感激圖書館了, 沒有它, 我怎可以免費看好書?

